al Rivera Investment & Real Estate

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Real estate agencies in, Hurghada . Red Sea

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Hurghada . Egypt
 al Rivera Investment & Real Estate
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Irina Sahabat
Dear emplyments,

We have heard bad informations about El Rivera services.
that the projects are not real and are all fake.
People are going to courts to get their money back.
Going with another name of the company Hermes in Hurghada

We feel very sorry for this all and we will not go with your company.

We hope that this all will be serious to take.

a good advice............stop with blackmaling people, in this case all the tourists who want to come to visit Hurghada. But now are hating to come to your place.


this message is from someone who has friends who are victims from El rivera and Hermes.
By: Irina Sahabat - 2016-01-09

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